Visualise Terraform

Directly from your Codebase.
Completely Automated.

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Check out our CLI on GitHub

Pluralith visualizes and documents your Terraform state

Save your team hours on documentation

Set up once in 3 easy steps and never spend a minute on drawing infra diagrams again.

Pluralith visualises your Terraform architecture in 3 easy stepsPluralith visualises your Terraform architecture in 3 easy steps

Set up Terraform

Set up Terraform in a GitOps flow. Pluralith runs terraform plan under the hood to get data to visualise.


Run Pluralith

Add Pluralith to your pipeline. On every pull request the Pluralith CLI runs and generates a diagram.


Enjoy the show

Pluralith posts the Diagram as a pull request comment. The Pluralith Dashboard gives you a visual history of all your Terraform plans.

Surface issues before they become issues

Pluralith aggregates all kinds of data about your infrastructure into one clear visual.

Change Highlighting

See all plan changes visualised in a proper diagram. No more checking 5 miles of terminal output before applying.

Drift Detection

Catch drift as soon as possible. Pluralith highlights which resources have drifted and makes sure you don’t miss anything.

Cost Data

Add financial context to your docs. Pluralith runs Infracost under the hood and blends its output into the diagram.

Coming Soon

Compliance Data

Is your infrastructure compliant? Pluralith runs Regula under the hood and shows you which resources need attention.

Runs wherever you run Terraform

Pluralith helps you out in every stage of your Terraform journey.


Automate your infrastructure documentation

Automate your Terraform infrastructure documentation

Diagrams in pull request comments

Evergreen Diagrams in Repo READMEs

Coming Soon

Dedicated Dashboard

Access Management

Runs in any CI

Dedicated Integrations
Set Up Now


Visualize your Terraform project instantly

Visualize your Terraform project instantly

Instant local diagrams

Change Highlighting

Drift Detection

Cost Information

Via Infracost

Open Source CLI

Available For

One simple price

Flat-rate packages with flexible usage-based overflow pricing.

How many terraform plan runs per month do you have?

500 CI Runs


/ month
+ $0.60 / run beyond 500 runs
Set Up Now


Diagrams as PR Comments

Terraform Change History

Cost Integration


Unlimited Users

Unlimited Projects

Unlimited Exports

Local Development

Free Forever
